SSDT Scorpa Support Service

Please telephone June on 01229 716806 to sign on for our back-up service. You must sign on with us before you go to the SSDT.

We will be supplying mechanics, spare parts, tools, compressors etc to help service your bike at the SSDT. Below are some helpful tips designed for people riding in the SSDT, or if you are not riding the SSDT, you may find some of the tips helpful regardless.

Pre-SSDT Check List

If your bike is new (6 months or less), you do not necessarily need to replace the parts listed below, however, it is advisable to check. Before you start the event, we therefore recommend you have the following parts fitted/checked on your bike: (Note that most of the guidance below applies to any modern trials bike)


Tyres New Dunlop D803GP
Chain and Sprockets New, Renthal 520 R1 Works chain with a wide chain tensioner pad
Air Filter New
Spark Plug New, NGK BPR5ES; Factory models from 2018 onwards, NGK BPR5HS (short reach)
Wheel Bearings New, front and rear (if bike over six months old)
Brake Pads New front and rear
Bore & Stroke Please make sure you have this clearly marked on the crankcase before you go to scrutineering. If not on they will send you back to do it.  Bore and stroke information can be found on our Tech Data page
Throttle Cable New, but keep your old one in your bum bag/rucksack for the event as you know it fits the bike
Front Mudguard Mud Flap This is very important, fit well before the event so that you know it works correctly. It prevents mud from clogging up the radiator which can easily lead to overheating
Radiator Mud Flap To keep the maximum amount of mud away from your radiator, we also recommend fitting a radiator mud flap
Bolts Check all accessible bolts to ensure they are tight. Loctite the brake disk bolts and rear sprocket bolts.
Re-check these regularly and keep an eye on the front engine retaining bolt
Spokes Check front and rear wheel spokes, make sure they are all tight
Road Legal Please make sure your bike is properly taxed, insured and has a rear number plate
Fan Take your bike up the road for a run and make sure the fan is working correctly. Keep an eye on the fan throughout the day
Gearing If your main objective is to finish the SSDT, then it is strongly recommended to gear your bike up. If you are slow on the moors, it helps you to make up some time on the road/track sections. It also does not put as much stress on your engine. For 2015 & 2016 bikes, the standard gearing is 10-42, we recommend 10-40.  2017 onwards, the standard gearing is 9-44 with 10-44 our recommendation
Thermostat/Sender If your thermostat fails, you can join the 2 wires together to put your fan on constantly. Carry a small piece of wire to enable you to do this
Side Stand Make sure it works well, because you must have a stand all week for Parc Ferme
Clutch As long as it does not slip in the high gears it should be fine. If it is starting to slip, I advise changing before the event
Starting each morning 9 times out of 10 a Scorpa Twenty starts best with full choke and no throttle. If this does not happen after 3 kicks, try no choke and full throttle
Tools to Carry Check that you have the following with you:
  • Tools to remove both wheels
  • A front inner tube, this will repair both front and rear punctures in an emergency
  • Repair strips (if the tyre splits)
  • Small hand pump and air bottles to inflate tyre. Before the event, change a tyre with the tools you are going to carry to make sure they work. With the rear tyre, always try to repair first with tyre repair strips; only use a tube if these do not work. One helpful tip, if you are putting a tube in the rear wheel, only take off one side of the tyre, so you only have to seal one side when repaired
  • Spark plug and plug spanner
  • Throttle cable
  • Split link
  • Tools to remove the carburettor
  • Tyre pressure gauge


When you've finished checking your bike, take it for a 10/20 mile ride and test in some sections, this will make sure everything is working well before you start.

Good luck!